Wednesday, August 26, 2009

How computerization is changing society?

As we all know, technology has become part and parcel of our everyday lives and this includes computerization. What is computerization? Computerization here means the control of processes by computer. For instance, the computer itself, air-conditioner, washing machine, telephone, television, radio, and new cutting-edge technologies which are the 'next big things' nowadays like ipods, mp3s, mp4s, PDAs, and the list goes on.

So, how does computerization change the society? It changes in many aspects better be in positive ways or negatives. The advantage of computerization is we'll get information faster and easier. Technology like the internet which is widespread through globalization has become a hit since it was first introduced and this has made the world without boundaries. Just with one click at your fingertip, you will get almost anything from A to Z, ranging from the simplest thing like how to get chocolate cake recipes to the current things that happen to our world or in the country.

Next, computerization can connect all the people around the world. Through social networkings such as friendster, myspace, and the new current hits, facebook and twitter, one can reach out to others at ease and faster. For example, people from Malaysia can make friends with those who live in Uganda because of computerization, thus will have better understanding towards inter-cultural differences between both countries.

Plus, the society can have a better way of living, thanks to computerization! Technologies such as washing machine, telephone, dryer, air-conditioner, fan, and many other technology stuffs have changed the style of living of human beings tremendously. We do not have to go to the river to wash our cloth, use pigeons to send letters and wait for long damn hours to get our clothes dry.

But, as a payback, of course, everything has its disadvantages. Firstly, the society becomes lazier. We solely depend on technology that make us do not want to get things done in a harder way. We also will be less thinking and this will not born a 'thinking society' which was very crucial back then before the technologies were invented.

Secondly, computerization invloves costs or money. This will lead to wasting of money on gadgets that we do not even need in our basic needs. The expensive things also can't be afford by those who are not really rich, or in other words, poor. And, the maintainance of things that we use in everyday lives like air-conditioner, computer and water heater in the bathroom is also high. We also have to pay for the bills that for sure, are expensive.

On top of that, computerization does have negative effect to those who misuse it. Internet can be a very dangerous thing to human links via pornography, bad idealisme and such. This will eventually poison our minds, kids and teenagers especially, hence, will lead to moral degradation among students.

So, based on those reasonable reasons, computerization does change the society nowadays in many ways, wheter in good ways or bad.

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